Chrome 89 - Group Tabs

Chrome 89 - Group Tabs

Quick Hint - Tips and Shortcuts


2 min read

Depending on how you use the browser (Chrome) or after a longer research session, it can happen that you quickly have a lot of tabs open and lose track of your open tabs.

Chrome can now help you keep track of your tabs even better with "Tab Groups". To create a tab group, just right-click any tab and select Add tab to new group. In addition, it is then also possible to expand/collapse a tab group or reorder it by simply dragging the colored circle.


Create your tab group

  1. Right-click a tab
  2. Click Add Tab to new group.
  3. Click New Group or click the name of an existing tab group.


Name your new group and customize the color

  1. Right-click the colored circle next to the tab group you wish to name.
  2. Enter a name for the tab group.
  3. Pick a color for the tab group.


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